Environmental safety is a priority activity of the enterprise.
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Activities in the field of Ecology

Environmental safety is a priority activity of the enterprise. The work on improvement of ecological conditions in "CRATON PETROLEUM" (KRATON PETROLEUM), LLP is in three directions:..

  • protection of the atmosphere;
  • water pollution;
  • work on promcalc.
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    The main objectives of our environmental services are:

  • Ensuring compliance with the company's environmental standards and regulations;
  • Ensuring compliance with quality standards of the environment on the basis of approved environmentally safe technologies and industries;
  • the primary natural resource accounting and accounting of harmful substances emitted by the plant;
  • preventing the harmful effects of production on the environment.
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    Subdivisions are included in the environmental service of "CRATON PETROLEUM" (KRATON PETROLEUM), LLP:

    1. The Department of conservation

    Performs calculations of water consumption, wastewater. Prepares materials for licenses for water abstraction and handling of hazardous waste, develops maximum permissible emissions into the atmosphere.

    2. Laboratory for conservation of nature.

    Conducts monitoring of incoming and purified on plants, the mechanical treatment of waste waters, the control of effluent through the stages of constructions mechanical cleaning, quality control of recycled and potable water, ambient air monitoring.

    3. Shop Vic (Department of water supply and sanitation)

    The main objective of the workshop is the water supply (technical, working, drinking) plant and mechanical treatment of industrial waste water.

    4. Shop Boswood workshop biochemical wastewater treatment)

    Does the cleaning of industrial and municipal waste water.

    5. Shop Vic (Department of water supply and sanitation)
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    "CRATON PETROLEUM" (KRATON PETROLEUM), LLP is a reliable partner of the city administration in matters of socio-economic development, traditionally helping the sponsored schools, chemical engineering College, city orphanage, organizations of veterans and people with disabilities, medical and children's sport institutions, socially unprotected families..

    On the initiative of the company since january 2021 between "CRATON PETROLEUM" (KRATON PETROLEUM), LLP and the City Administration annually signed a bilateral agreement on social partnership.

    In 2022 "CRATON PETROLEUM" (KRATON PETROLEUM), LLP spent almost 10 million tenge for the improvement of the city, strengthening the material-technical base of educational and cultural institutions, the development of children's sports, those who find themselves in difficult life situations, support for various city organizations.

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    Among priority of the directions of social policy of the enterprise is the program of rehabilitation of workers and members of their families. Every year tens of petrochemists and their children have the opportunity to relax and improve their health.

    In february 2023, employees and their children's underwent a course of medical treatment dispensaries in the city. Employees children's spent their summer holidays on the black sea coast where annual vacations not only for the children of employees of the "CRATON PETROLEUM" (KRATON PETROLEUM), LLP, but budgetary organizations of the city.

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    Industrial Safety

    Tasks in the field of industrial safety

    1. Compliance with industrial safety requirements to avoid emergency situations, incidents and accidents;

    2. Control the availability of permits and certificates for the use of technical devices at hazardous production facilities;

    3. The independent audit of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities for compliance with regulations, and development on the basis of audits of activities aimed at improving the state of industrial safety; collecting, analyzing, classifying, identifying risks hazards and informing employees.

    4. Licensing of activities in the field of industrial safety;

    5. The Declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities of the enterprise;

    6. The examination of industrial safety;

    7. Measures to ensure industrial safety aimed at identifying the causes and risks that may cause accidents, accidents and other dangerous situations, as well as the selection of priority areas, allowing in the shortest time with the least cost to ensure an optimal result.

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    Personnel policy


    1. Training is one of the policy priorities of the management of "CRATON PETROLEUM" (KRATON PETROLEUM), LLP. 33% of employees have higher education, 45% of the average professional. Three of them have a scientific degree of candidate of Sciences. Average age is 41 years. 20% of the company, i.e. every fifth of young people aged up to 30 years. The main profession in "CRATON PETROLEUM" (KRATON PETROLEUM), LLP, - a process plant operator, machinist process pumps and compressors, laboratory chemical analysis, operator, commodity, livsic-caster.

    2. The movement of workers inside the plant and its subsidiaries; the retraining of redundant workers; the principle of continuous improvement of professional skills. "CRATON PETROLEUM" (KRATON PETROLEUM), LLP chemists are trained in refresher courses and various seminars for technical and industrial purpose. Employees combining work and study when obtaining the second higher education is available to paid leave.